Eating is an important staple in everyone’s life that is not only needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle but also for survival. Eating is something we do every day to fulfil our nutritional needs. As eating is an important staple in our lives it also comes with controversy between the eating habits of males and females. Some reasons behind our research is to determine if females eat healthier than males due to the pressures from society, to see whether males or females are likely to take nutrients into account, to see who is more likely to reach for unhealthier options over healthy and vice versa.
For this project we are going to observe food options male and females choose in the cafeteria. We are specifically going to observe what food options males and females choose being either a heathy or unhealthy option. The purpose of this observation is to see if females are more likely to choose healthier food options than men.
We are going to carry out the study in the cafeteria located at the building L cafeteria on the Humber Lakeshore campus, we will be observing at 3 different times which are 10:00am, 12:00pm, and 3:00pm. We are going to be using a tallying system and record when we see a male or female and the food option they chose. We are going to post our results and see if females will truly choose healthier options over males.
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Developing good eating habits for children and adolescents is important for their long-term nutritional well-being. Proper nutrition, together with regular physical activity, enhances proper physical growth, promotes positive self-esteem, and promotes the children’s capacity to learn. In addition, good nutrition and physical activity also prevent diseases such as obesity.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there has been a rapid increase in the rate of children becoming overweight over the past twenty years, attributed to poor nutrition and exercise habits. Proper nutrition and physical exercise habits are important in maintaining a healthy living, and this can be started at an early age.
The parents eating habits influence the children’s feeding practices, and therefore, teaching children healthy eating habits in schools would make them practice healthy behaviors throughout their lives. Increased consumption of vegetables and fruits with a reduction in fat intake coupled with physical activity are among the healthy habits to curb the overweight problems in children.
The consequences of physical inactivity and poor dietary habits in children and adults alike are obesity, which is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30k/m2.
The prevalence of obesity increased among the population between 1991 and 2000, affecting all the segments of the population in the U.S. Obesity is the major cause of health complications, including diabetes (type II), hypertension, heart diseases, stroke, osteoarthritis, respiratory complications, and some cancers.
The socio-economic consequences of obesity, now an epidemic, are overwhelming. The intervention strategies usually focus on promoting good eating habits, including a reduction in calorie intake and helping people increase their physical activity. In children, breastfeeding prevents excessive weight gain and obesity in early childhood and adolescence and, thus, a good strategy of reducing childhood obesity.
For adults and young people, poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity increase the risk of developing health-related complications. These segments of the population have an increased risk for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.
By establishing healthier eating habits combined with physical activity, the onset of these diseases would be prevented. Additionally, active lifestyles and healthy eating behaviors help people with chronic diseases to cope with or control the effects of the diseases and prevent deterioration of their physical condition.
IELTS Essay Organic Food
Many stores sell organic fruits and vegetables (produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides) even though they often cost more than conventional fruits and vegetables.Is this a positive or negative development? These days people are preferring Organic food though costly as they are grown with out chemicals. Basically, people are more concerned about the health which is the main reason why people are preferring organic food compared to the conventional ones and I believe organic food is worth the higher price. Though ordinary fruits and vegetables look clean, great in color and size, its all because of the pesticides used. On a non-organic farm, their agro-chemicals are all synthetic, and the animals are grown with antibiotics, and growth hormones to produce rapid growth. Also, medications are used to prevent diseases in the animals. Because, non-organic foods use synthetic chemicals, it can be produced easier, and cheaper. Conventional vegetables and fruits are grown with toxic and harmful chemicals to fertilize the soil and kill weeds and insects. Organic produce has lower levels of pesticide residue than conventional fruits and vegetables. On an organic farm foods are grown using natural bi-products, like manure, and compost. They use spray pesticides from natural sources and traps and mating distractions to keep pests and diseases away. Animals are fed organic feed, and have access to go outdoors. To keep the animals from sickness, preventive measures are used.Organic foods are rich in vitamins and proteins which are very essential for the growth on young generation, that’s the reason why many parents go with organic fruits and vegetables. As per the saying ‘prevention is better than cure’, its always better to take organic food than to take convention food and suffer from various health issues and moreover its always best to buy organic fruits and vegetables which are a bit costly than convention ones than to spend money on health treatments. Organic produce has lower levels of pesticide residue than conventional fruits and vegetables. Buying conventional food is cheaper, but it isn’t cheap to be sick, especially with a major disease like cancer. People who buy organic fruits and vegetables are investing money in their own health and in a healthy future for their children. As the demand is more for organic food, many stores are selling them. It’s best to spend the extra money, buy organic, and stay healthy.
Proper nutrition and physical activity are important aspects of healthy livings as their contribution to reducing the rates of chronic diseases is a well-established fact. On the other hand, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical exercise lead to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart diseases, and osteoporosis, which can sometimes be fatal.
The findings of a study conducted in 1990 established that 14% of all deaths in the U.S. could be attributed to poor eating habits and physical inactivity with sedentary lifestyles, a contributor to 23% of disease-related deaths. Healthy eating habits involve the inclusion of fruits, vegetables, and important minerals in the diet and the reduction of saturated fat intake.
Regular physical activity is essential for healthy living as it reduces the chances of developing coronary heart disease. The reduced physical activity and the changes in eating and dieting habits have long-lasting health consequences on the general health of the public, particularly the children and adolescents.
What we observed while carrying out the observations and seeing the results is that there can be factors such as living on campus and a busy schedule the could impact the food choices male and females choose. Living on campus is a new experience for most students as it is the first time away from home. A reason why males and females may use the cafeteria is because they are unable to prepare their own meals, they are use to getting meals prepared at home and now realize they cannot provide meals for themselves. Another reason is a busy schedule, most students struggle with time management and do not have the ability to carry out school and prepare meals for school. Eating in the cafeteria is convenient for students and a fast way get eating out of the way. Therefore, in a new study we could look at these factors to get more in-depth results.
Перевод темы еда на русский: Моя любимая еда. Здоровое питание
Вся пища содержит питательные вещества, которые используются нашим организмом. Существуют различные виды питательных веществ: углеводы, белки, жиры, витамины и минеральные вещества. Разная пища содержит различные питательные вещества.
Прежде всего, я не ем животного мяса. Я предпочитаю рыбу и другие морские продукты. Так, утром я обычно ем сыр с кефиром, затем я пью чай с двумя бутербродам. На обед я ем овощной суп, салат и поджаренную рыбу. Я не ем десертов, — только чай с лимоном и сахаром. На ужин я ем лишь салат и затем немного фруктов.
Так, для некоторых еда — это источник удовольствия, для других — источник энергии. Для меня еда — приятный источник энергии. По моему мнению, здоровая пища должна быть очень простой. Я ем блюда, состоящие из множества ингридиентов, только в ресторанах. Изо дня в день я ем одинаковую еду.
Лучше всего выработать в себе привычку проверять наличие ингредиентов и энергетической ценности, указанных на самих упаковках, хотя это не всегда легко сделать. Еще нам нужно знать, что нам очень необходимы жиры, это важная составляющая в нашем питании для функционирования организма, и физически мы не можем без них существовать.
То, какую пищу мы едим, зависит от многих факторов. Вкус — это большой фактор. Культура, религия и здоровье также играют свою роль в том, какую пищу мы едим. Большое влияние оказывают рекламный и социальный факторы.
Так, я люблю все сорта молочных продуктов, особенно кефира, сыра. Я предпочитаю сыр из России и Германии. Я люблю различные виды салатов, заправленные оливковым маслом или сметаной. Я также люблю все виды блюд из картошки. Обычно я запиваю пищу натуральными соками или квасом.
Конечно, на выходных я хочу попробовать новые блюда. Если у меня выдастся свободное время, я пытаюсь сделать новый салат или найти интересный рецепт. На выходных я позволяю себе хорошее красное сухое вино. Так, много докторов говорят, что красное вино обладает хорошими свойствами и очень хорошо для здоровья.
Я не покупаю в магазинах готовую еду или еду-полуфабрикат, потому что это не здоровая пища. Лучше провести время за готовкой, чем потом иметь неполадки со здоровьем.
Доход также является важным фактором.
Наконец, существуют три главных пункта, которые нужно выполнять, чтобы правильно питаться:
- во-первых, мы должны есть меньшее количество жиров, особенно жира с высоким содержанием насыщенных жирных кислот;
- во-вторых, мы должны уменьшить потребление сахара и соли;
- в-третьих, мы должны есть больше свежих фруктов и овощей.
Также я предпочитаю пить чай с малым количеством шоколада или домашнего джема. Так как я изо дня в день не меняю свой рацион питания, меня очень редко беспокоит желудок. Вообще, я думаю, что чем проще пища, тем она лучше на вкус.
Таким образом, здоровое питание (healthy eating) оказывает большое влияние на наше здоровье. Надеюсь, рассказ про еду вам понравился и пригодился.
А Вы какую пищу употребляете и что любите покушать?
Английские слова на тему еда
Еда на английском языке звучит как food, но есть ещё слова feed, meal, nutrition, которые означают примерно тоже самое, но с другим смысловым оттенком. Поэтому я подготовила небольшой словарик с английскими словами на тему еда.
- food — еда, пища
- meal — еда
- eating — прием пищи
- eating habits — пищевые привычки
- nutrition — питание
- nutrients — питательные вещества
- diet — диета
- foodstuff — пищевой продукт
- animal meat — мясо животных
- seafood — морепродукты
Теперь можно непосредственно перейти к топику по английскому на тему еда. Рассказ затрагивает не только тему любимой еды, но и здорового питания.
Both social media and nutritional knowledge can in fact influence whether females choose healthier options over males, because they are both factors that lead females to choose healthier options. Social media represents unrealistic body goals that make females want to eat healthier to achieve or maintain these goals. Having nutritional knowledge will lead females away from un healthy options because they understand what is in them, also having this knowledge could lead to guilt which will also influence females to choose the healthier options. Therefore because of social media and prior knowledge of nutrition info females will choose healthier options over unhealthy. According to our results it is more common for females to opt for unhealthy option at 12:00pm and there are more females then males in the cafeteria at 3:00pm. It is prevalent that males opt for healthier options throughout the day but are most likely to choose healthier options at the 3:00pm time. Therefore, our study has proven that females are more likely to choose healthier options than males.
Essay on Healthy Eating habits | Short & Long Essay for Students
Healthy diet is the best lifestyle that can be adopted by anyone of any age group. Our food habits will decide how healthy we are. If we have a healthy diet, our body will be free from any kind of disease and it will remain fit. Healthy eating habits help in preventing lifestyle diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.
We all should adopt healthy eating habits in our daily life to remain fit and healthy for the rest of our life. Unhealthy diet makes us prone to diseases and ill health. Unhealthy foods will cause bloating or overweight, this will increase your blood pressure which again can cause heart attack, diabetes etc. There are various reasons why we need to follow a healthy diet .
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Importance of healthy eating habits
There are various reasons why we need to follow a healthy diet .This article will explain what are the benefits of following a healthy diet.
It helps in keeping our mind and body fit. It makes us physically and mentally healthy. It prevents lifestyle diseases such as heart attack, high blood pressure , diabetes etc. Our food habits will decide how healthy we are. We all should adopt healthy eating habits in our daily life to remain fit and healthy for the rest of our life.
Healthy diet is the best lifestyle that can be adopted by anyone of any age group. Our food habits will decide how healthy we are. If we have a healthy diet, our body will be free from any kind of disease and it will remain fit. Healthy eating habits help in preventing lifestyle diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.
We all should adopt healthy eating habits in our daily life to remain fit and healthy for the rest of our life. Besides, we can also eat whatever we want to. But it should be balanced and healthy too. Having a diet which is rich in essential nutrients and has zero or very less amount of harmful chemicals and preservatives is called as the perfect one. It will help us remain fit and healthy for the rest of our life.
So, it is high time for us to adopt healthy eating habits in our daily life. It will help us lead a healthy lifestyle along with the increased quality of life. Healthy diet is the best lifestyle that can be adopted by anyone of any age group. Our food habits will decide how healthy we are. If we have a healthy diet, our body will be free from any kind of disease and it will remain fit. Healthy eating habits help in preventing lifestyle diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. We all should adopt healthy eating habits in our daily life to remain fit and healthy for the rest of our life.
Healthy Living Strategies
In order to promote healthy living and prevent complications arising from poor eating habits such as obesity, various healthy living strategies involving behavior change are important. To reduce health-related complications in the elderly, regular physical exercises and sporting, including jogging and regular visits to the gym, can be very helpful.
Given the immense benefits of physical exercises, social support is one way of motivating people to remain physically fit and live healthy lifestyles. This can be achieved by providing programs that help people incorporate exercises into their daily routines.
Furthermore, increasing community-based programs and facilities would encourage people to exercise and in the process, live healthy lifestyles. Increased consumption of vegetables and fruits with lower calorie intake lowers the incidences of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.
Excessive intake of saturated fats is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Therefore, to achieve healthy living, the diet should constitute plenty of fruits and vegetables and less saturated fat. Daily consumption of at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables is recommended for healthy living; however, less than 25% of the U.S. population consumes this.
For young children and adolescents, school-based physical education (PE) enables students to engage in physical activities to promote their physical well-being and learning. Prolonged television watching among children and adolescents increases overweight incidences among children.
This may be because television watching leads to a decline in calorie-burning physical activity and reduces the children’s metabolic rate. Furthermore, television watching may influence the children’s eating habits contributing to an increased risk of obesity.
My favourite food. Healthy eating
All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats» vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients.
First of all I do not eat animal meat at all. I prefer fish and other seafood. So in the morning I usually have some cottage cheese with kefir, then I have tea with two butterbroads. At dinner I have vegetable soup, a salad and fried fish. I do not have desserts, but only tea with lemon and sugar. For supper I have just a salad and then I eat fruit.
For some food is a source of pleasure, for others — a source of energy. For me food – is a pleasant source of energy. To my mind healthy food should be quite simple. I eat complicated dishes only in restaurants. My daily meals consist of the same dishes every day.
The best way is to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets although this isn’t always easy to do. Another thing to know is, for example, that we do need fat to live, it’s an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn’t exist without it.
The food we eat, depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors also have a big influence.
So I love all kinds of milk products, especially kefir, cheese. I prefer cheeses from Russia and Germany. I like different kinds of salads, dressed with olive oil or sour cream. I also love all kinds of potato dishes. I usually drink down food with natural juices or kvass.
Well, of course, on weekends I want to try a new dish. If I have free time, I try to invent a new salad or find an interesting recipe. On weekends I let myself have good red dry wine. Well, many doctors say that red wine in reasonable quantities is very good for health.
I do not buy in shops ready or semi-manufactured food products, because this is unhealthy. It is better to spend some time cooking, than to have problems with overweight and heart.
Income is also an important factor.
Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating:
- First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat.
- Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt.
- Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
Also I prefer to have tea with bitter chocolate or home-made jams. As I do not change my daily dishes, I very seldom have stomach problems. Actually I think that the simpler food is, the better is its taste.
Chemicals in Food
by Arum emmanuel
Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and preservation outweigh the advantages?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.In our modern society, it is now common to use chemicals for food production and preservation. Although this have merits but the demerits outweigh the former. This essay will look at both sides with a given conclusion.It is of no doubt that certain chemicals can be used as food additives. first and foremost, these chemicals when added to food can prolong the life span of the food, therefore making the food consumable at any point in time. For example in international trade whereby food is moved from one country to another over thousands or millions of miles of distance. In addition, it helps in the production of food in due time. certain chemicals for example auxin fasten the rate at which certain food is produced.However, there are still drawbacks which in my opinion are more than the benefits we receive. These chemicals makes food loose its natural taste and by so doing, might make the consumer of the food dislike it. Also, some health issues arises from the chemicals been put into foods which can be detrimental to ones life. For example colouring in soft drinks and ice cream are few of many which can lead one to diabetes, tooth decay and so on.All in all, ones health is the most important thing one have to be careful with. chemicals which are harmful to the body should not by any means for any reason be put into food for the safety of our lives. Although food additives is good but the dangers is more important to take into consideration.261 words
Through a humanistic and behaviorism psychological perspective we can see relevance of the results in different ways. In a humanistic approach there is a connection to our hypothesis and literature review because it is what an individual sees in themselves that causes certain behaviors. The humanistic perspective is linked through self-image and feelings of an individual. This connects because we believe that the females eating habits will be different due to the body images that are portrayed on social media. Through social media we see many females that struggles with body dissatisfaction which was stated by Grabe, Hyde & Ward, (2008). This connects to the hypothesis because it is possible women choose healthier options because of what the media portrays as a beautiful body. Behaviorism is another approach that connects to our hypothesis and literature review is behaviorism. Behaviorism is when an individual is controlled by there environment. Females eating habits are shown to be controlled a lot by media. Seeing famous people and the body standards they set make females fell the need to meet those expectations by diet and healthier eating habits. Females could possible be classically conditioned the NS would be the food we have to choose from in the cafeteria unhealthy and healthy, the media and nutritional information is the UCS. The options of food and nutritional information paired with media creates body dissatisfaction in females seeing what is considered beautiful to the media and knowing that eating pizza pizza will not get you there, this would be the UCR. Then the CS would be the food options and the CR would be the nutritional information and the media.