Teenagers get too much freedom nowadays сочинение

Teenagers should be given freedom and ruels free essay example

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There is a lack of freedom given to teenagers today. Do you agree?

The majority of teenagers today complain that they are not given sufficient freedom. Despite their complaints, I believe that teenagers are given more than adequate freedom. Since teenagers are still dependent on their parents, too much freedom can be bad for them.

There are many parents who are careerists nowadays. As they are too busy working, they can hardly stay home to monitor their children. Teenagers often take advantage of their parents’ absence to hang out with friends, watch television, play video games, et cetera. Rather than studying and doing their homework, they also spend too much time on social networking websites. Since they have a lot of freedom and barely anyone to supervise them, they tend to neglect their studies. Their negligence usually have an adverse effect on their academic performance.

A lot of parents have no idea who their children hang out with. There is a Chinese proverb which highlights the fact that spending time with decent friends influences us positively while mixing with bad friends influences us negatively. When teenagers socialise with true and sincere friends with positive character traits, their parents’ minds are put at ease. On the other hand, if they spend time with undesirable friends with ulterior motives, they can get into serious trouble. They can be cajoled into doing things that are harmful to their health such as smoking, drinking and doing drugs. They can also be pressurised into doing things that are morally unacceptable like gambling and committing crimes, among many other instances.

Teenagers today are also given a lot of freedom to work and earn their own money. While working at a young age is beneficial to them as they can learn about responsibility and the value of money, they may also spend their hard-earned money on inappropriate things like cigarettes and drugs. Whether or not teenagers can cultivate good spending habits actually depends on their upbringing. Thus, parents who teach their children well about good values normally do not have much apprehension about the way they spend. Unfortunately, many boys and girls in their teens are provided with too much freedom when it comes to spending. As a consequence, they spend their money however they want and often end up making bad choices.

Excessive freedom is also given to teenage children to surf the Internet. While it is true that they are able to learn about many beneficial things, the opposite is also true. They can, for example, encounter bad or unsavoury characters who are capable of swindling and even harming them. Due to the fact that teenagers are still young, immature and innocent, they are more vulnerable to tricks and scams.

In a nutshell, I disagree that there is a lack of freedom given to teenagers today. Although teenagers need a certain amount of freedom to grow and experience life appropriately, too much of it is definitely unfavourable to them. Since teenagers’ freedom is generally controlled by their parents, the latter should monitor and adjust the amount accordingly so as to maximise the benefits to the former.

Помогите перевести, пожалуйста?

Помогите перевести, пожалуйста!

Родители всегда стремятся помогать своему ребенку.

Начиная с рождения, они заботятся о нем и делают все для того, чтобы он был счастлив.

Когда ребенок маленький, он общается с другими детьми в садике, на улице, позже — в школе.

Взрослея, подросток ищет свою компанию сам.

И тогда родители начинают волноваться и могут вмешаться.

Они считают, что лучше знают, с кем должен дружить их ребенок.

Мне кажется, это неправильно.

Выбирая друзей своим детям, они лишают их выбора и дают поводы для ссор.

Ведь каждый подросток с детства слушается своих родителей, но со временем хочет самостоятельности.

Возможно, если родители будут всегда решать за детей, то они будут всегда зависимы от чужого мнения.

Но это не означает, что к родителям не нужно прислушиваться.

Я считаю, что подросток должен сам выбирать себе друзей, но при этом, спокойно выслушать мнение родителей и если его компания им не понравится, не проявлять агрессии, а попробовать самому разобраться, может они и правы.

Родителям же в свою очередь, не надо строго запрещать ребенку общаться с кем — то.

Они должны оставить ему право выбора.

Подросток сам поймет позже, если его компания плоха.

A discussion of rules and other boundaries that parents set for their teenage children

Many Parents set up rules, and other boundaries in which their teens must follow. These rules are usually placed over their teens to control, protect, and teach their teen. Even though most parents mean well, and some rules are necessary it’s easy to overwhelm teens with regulations. First of all teens are not going to follow all of the rules, and secondly there are some things that certain teens will not do with, or without a specific rule on that subject.

For example, there are many teens who would never use drugs, but by placing a rule on this, the teen might not feel trust worthy, and might be more likely to try drugs. This is not always the case though, some teens need every rule stated, or they might test your patients. Parents should remember that they know heir teenager best, and they need to set rules according to their own teen.

Drugs and other illegal things are often a problem with certain teens, but some teens will never try drugs. Teenagers will turn to drugs for answers to problems. To avoid having problems with your teen, spend time with them and talk to them. In dealing with a teen who has taken illegal drugs, you as a parent need to try to understand why you teen has committed the crime. Only when you understand the child, then you can give the appropriate punishment. Another important factor in discipline is to make sure that the teen understands why what they have done is wrong, and show them scripture to explain it.

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If a child does not know why what they have done is bad, they will likely do it again. A parent needs to make sure that their rules do not contradict each other. It is easy to restrict one bad influence, and not another. Many parents feel that they need to whom their teen hangs out with because of their friends’ language, and general behavior. This is often the wise thing to do, but if you restrict this, but still allow your teen to curse or watch improper movies, and TV the restriction of certain friends will just confuse your teen. Curfews are often needed to prevent teens from getting into trouble late at night. A curfew should slightly vary depending on where the teen are, what they are doing, what they are planning for the following morning, and who they are with. If your teen is with responsible adults whom you know , a curfew should depend upon plans for the following morning if there are any. When your teen is with his friends a curfew should depend upon how trustworthy your teen is. If your teen has broken curfew rules in the past, then an earlier than usual curfew would be reasonable, but if your teen does not have a bad record and if they are trustworthy they should be given more freedom, and take their opinions into context when giving a curfew. Some well-behaved teens can be given almost full responsibility when comes to curfews. Curfews are usually most necessary for dating. Parents cannot always give their teen permission to stay out all night on a date. Teens can get into too much trouble when on a date late at night especially if they have a car. It is best for a parent to make wise decisions based on each individual teen. When a teenager takes a car the teen should have a responsibility to take care of the car, and respect other drivers. Some parents find it effective to require their teen to help pay for gas, plus insurance, or buy their own car, and pay for it themselves. This way the teen feels a sense of ownership, and is more responsible for what is theirs. Teens often spend many hours on the telephone. I used to spend a lot of time on the phone. One solution to this problem is to get a separate telephone line for the teens in your house, or at least a separate telephone line for the computer. When setting up rules and regulations the best things to do are make sure your teen understands the reasons for the rule, remember to follow God’s standards when making rules, and be fair. Proverbs 24:3,4 Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches.

Перевидите кому не трудно Oliver (Великобритания) : я не чувствую себя комфортно с одноклассниками?

Перевидите кому не трудно Oliver (Великобритания) : я не чувствую себя комфортно с одноклассниками.

Они позвоните мне имена и сказать Pm слишком высокими и Пале (бледный).

Но я не могу помочь ей.

Я занимаюсь спортом, но не слишком часто.

Существует так много домашних заданий делать!

Джим (Канада) : мне нужно больше карманные деньги, чтобы купить некоторые новые компьютерные игры.

Многие подростки в моей школе есть бумаги раунд * или суббота вакансии на несколько часов.

Они зарабатывают деньги.

Но я не могу найти работу, что мне действительно нравится.

Юлия (Австралия) : Мои родители не позволит мне получить работу в субботу.

Они говорят, я должен заботиться о мой маленький брат и делать мою домашнюю работу в понедельник.

Это так скучно!

Анжела (Италия) : я ненавижу науки becausc учитель так скучно.

Я хотел бы продолжить французский и немецкий принять в этом году.

Но никто слушает меня, в том числе мои родители.

Мартин (Новая Зеландия) : Большинство мальчиков моего возраста у подруг.

Но я не могу говорить с девушкой мне очень нравится.

Я думаю, она это лучший и самый умный в oiir школу, но очень независимым и красивый, слишком.

Вечера, так подавлен об этом.

Клаудиа (Германия) : Мои родители хотят меня сделать музыку.

Это очень тяжелая работа, вы знаете.

Я подан вверх с игрой на фортепиано.

Teens Should Be Allowed More Freedom

Do you feel like your parents restrict you? Not only that but do you feel like your friends are allowed to do so much more than you just because your parents don’t let you do the stuff you would like to? Sometimes you need to put yourself in your parent’s shoes and see how they feel. But, do you do that and you still feel like it’s unfair and your constantly never able to do anything? I think some parents don’t allow their teens to have the freedom they should, and doing that just smothers not only their freedom, but their well being as well. When you are about 9 months old, your parents let you try and pull yourself up and to stand. At about 16 to 17 months your parents give you the freedom to walk.

Your parents give freedom by letting you attempt to stand and take those first steps. If you were held at all times and not given the freedom to stand and learn how to take those steps, you could not learn to walk. As we grow older they seek freedom and more independence. But sometimes along the way we can break our parents trust. Depending on the parent and the teen, because everybody is different, the consequences are different and the adult or parents usually tightens up their grip with the rules.

What does that do? We need to make small mistakes to learn for ourselves and not just from what our parents tell us. For example, you ask to go to a party that you know there will be alcohol at. Your significant other or parent says no because they were a kid once too and know how parties turn out at your age. How is this fair? Most likely they got to experience what parties were like when they were a kid but they put their knowledge of when they were young up against our freedom.

What does it really mean to you if you don’t get to experience something for yourself? It’s like when somebody tells you about this one time they saw a mermaid. Do you believe them, and does it even mean anything to you? Studies show that if a teenager is given more freedom they are more than likely to respect that freedom and make the right choice.

Нужно перевести с русского на английский?

Нужно перевести с русского на английский.

Помогите пожалуйста.

Не используя переводчик.

Я думаю, что в наше время у подростков достаточное количество свободы.


Они ограничены по времени, гуляя до ночи.

Самые строгие люди для подростков — это их родители, ведь они нужны тылько им, несмотря на поблажки с их стороны.

(вопрос 3) Да, я имею свободу выбирать музыку.

Деньги на карманные расходы мне выдают родители, поэтому я не имею полного права выбирать что на них куплю.

Я думаю, что из приведённого списка, должно быть запрещено всё.

(6 вопрос) Мне кажется, что в моей стране хорошее возрастное ограничение на эти вещи.

Ответы на вопрос

Отвечает Галушка Никита.


I completely disagree with this statement. I’m going to share my opinion with you and give you my arguments. and so, first of all, I believe that freedom is necessary for absolutely every person. for example, when other people get into your personal space without your consent, it is very unpleasant. this is one of many examples of the lack of freedom. Secondly, it is teenagers who are often deprived of any freedom. for example, freedom of choice. and often it is the parents who deprive the children of their freedom. in the third, without freedom-it is impossible to live. in adolescents, mental health is often not as strong and stable as in adults. and parents should take care of this.

so I think that adults should listen to their children and give them freedom, but in moderation. do not limit them in almost every action.

my conclusion is that modern teenagers don’t have enough freedom. As I said earlier, everyone needs freedom. and people can’t be restricted in this. it is because of the lack of freedom that many teenagers suffer and go to psychologists. after all, parents either could not or did not want to give them enough freedom, because its lack leads to psychological disorders and injuries. parents should take care of the morale of their children, but unfortunately this does not always happen. freedom is beautiful, never limit anyone in this, but also be careful with it. I hope I got my point across. thank you for your attention, goodbye


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